Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Snow and no snow and the Story of Fingie.

Christmas Eve 2008---lots of snow--so much that we had a hard time placing the luminarias. Do we put them on the sidewalk, where they couldn't be seen from the street, or do we put them on top of the snow? Well, the sidewalk was the winner. On top of the snow, it was windy, so a lot of the candles blew out.

Fast forward to Dec. 30--not a flake to be seen, except what was left of the huge snow piles next to the driveway. The weather took a quick change for the warmer--almost 50 degrees one day.

Tomorrow it will change for the colder. What is described as an Alberta Clipper is predicted to blow in from Canada.
The story of Fingie.
Last spring, my husband wacked his finger doing something around the house--I don't remember exactly what. So, the poor finger was very sore for a while, and while it was recovering, it developed a name and a personality. When we were in NYC, Fingie was having his picture taken with dinosaur bones at a museum. Then he acquired a costume from a street vendor in Manhattan. After that, he was getting his picture taken all over the place. People always smile when they see Fingie in his costume.

Fingie--in his costume loved the attention he was getting and enjoyed having his picture taken in all sorts of interesting places. He was developing a very outgoing personality. Here is the costume--without Fingie-- in Milwaukee, WI.

Last Sunday was a big day for Fingie. He finally got a face.

How Fingie got his face is a story for another blog entry.


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