Sunday, August 20, 2006

A beautiful summer day in the garden

Today is one of those perfect summer days, deep blue sky, no wind, only breezes, and not too hot. The air and water show is going on in Chicago, so occasionally I can hear the jets on their way to the location on North Ave beach. The cicadas are much louder. Every few minutes, they start up, looking for a mate. When they stop, the crickets and birds take over. The cicadas are always the loudest creatures in my neighborhood. We did a little bit of yard work, so I decided to take a few pictures. The yard always looks better in person, but these pictures aren't too bad.

My featured plant is a huge hosta. The leaves are over 12 inches wide, and the color is a warm green. My front door has a few container plants, I chose lime green and pink, but a coral fuschia made it into the mix. I decided to include some spider plants who needed a summer home.

My back yard flowers are mostly pink, white and blue. Salvias do the best in my garden. I also have some huge phlox "David" which are thriving. The sedum "Autumn joy" and the New England Asters are not blooming yet. The petunias--wave variety, are the stars this week.

I had a major garden change, I lost a large green ash tree last winter, so now I have much more sun. This hasn't been good for my huecheras or astilbes. So, when it cools off, I will be moving some plants around.


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