Monday, January 07, 2008

Starting Over

Monday is my Weight Watchers Meetiung day, and today I am starting over. I decided to change to the flex plan, so I could better control my eating. I have 19 points to work with, since since I gained over 4 pounds in the past few weeks, I really need to be careful. I am going to return to my old exercise schedule which means more cardio and more time at the gym. This will make me feel better too.
Yesterday I went to yoga, and today I have a mammogram appointment, so I will take a walk later. The weather is springlike today--actually the temp is springlike--about 60 degrees. All the snow is a memory, and the air smells like it does on those wonderful early spring days. To bad that winter will return on Thursday--so say the weather people.
I do have a huge job hanging over my head--I have to write two syllabi, as the first day of class is a week from tomorrow. So, that is my work for the rest of the week.
Someday soon I will post a few pictures of sun and fun in Mexico.
I just took Alma for a walk--she is getting to be an old dog. I noticed that I was in the lead, up to now, she was always ahead of me. I also think that she is losing her hearing. She continues to look great. What a dog.


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