Monday, December 10, 2007

Ice Storm Monday

There have been warnings for days about the ice storm that is to arrive tonight. Freezing rain that will wreak havoc with the traffic tomorrow and make walking dangerous. Sounds like everybody will have to stay inside. Today was just dark and dreary, sort of cold, but not too bad. My husband scrapped all the ice off the sidewalk, so we have one of the few hazard free walks in the neighborhood.
My weigh in wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. On the good side, I journaled almost everything I ate today. On the bad side, I went to a social event, which included a lot of goodies, mostly homemade, and I ate more than I should have, but not a taste of everything. I did eat too much in the way of sweets things.
I made some candy bark, and when I cut it up, I ate most of the broken pieces. That gave me an almost stomach ache. I have to go to the gym tomorrow. Hopefully the driving won't too hazardous. Bad driving conditions may give me an excuse not to go. I really have to go.
Tomorrow is my last class of the semester. With the weather warnings, I wonder who will show up. There isn't any class work, just test results and recommendations for next semester. I can e mail those to anyone who asks me.


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