Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Is there something going on here?

Maybe there is. I can't find my WW book. I had it last week at the meeting, and yesterday when I went to weigh in--I presented my old book. I have no idea where it might be. On top of that, I gained back everything that I lost and more. So much for driving the monkey around all week. My husband wondered why I was chauffeuring the monkey around instead of bring it inside for the dog to destroy. Well, the monkey returned safely to the meeting, and this weeks biggest loser didn't want to take it, she chose another animal.
On a completely different subject. I have heard many people express the desire to be buried in a plain pine box. Yesterday, I attended a funeral, and the person was in a plain pine box! This is a first for me. One observation--the pine box is a lot smaller than standard caskets.


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