Thursday, January 10, 2008

Think First

I've been reading some of the booklets that are given out at Weight Watchers meetings. Usually I put them in a basket, where they sit for months. But since I haven't been so successful in the past few weeks, I decided to review the material that I have been given. One of the main ideas that they talk about is think first. This means planning what you are going to eat, and thinking before anything goes into your mouth. I have bee successful at this for quite a while, but in the past two months, I've forgotten this important idea.
Yesterday was good and bad for me. I attended a department meeting at Oakton, and brought my lunch. The ideas was to brown bag lunch and dessert would be provided. Well, it was provided and I ate so many cookies that I felt sick for several hours. It was as if I had never eaten a cookie before. They were Good cookies, but after eating several, I knew what they were going to taste like. Now I have been able to resist food in situations like this before. I have thrown out bags of candy. I just don't know what got into me. By the way, there was a box on tangerines at the meeting, and I could have had one of those, which would have satisfied my sweet tooth.
So, what went well yesterday? It wasn't all bad. I ate 3 good meals which were on program. As soon as I left the meeting, I went back on the program. I stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home and didn't buy any candy or other foods that would sabotage my program. I also have decided not to visit the scale until Monday's weight in.
I went to the gym today and worked pretty hard. I've been on program all day, planned my lunch, which I will eat as soon as I finish this entry.
So, I've thought first for most of the week. There are 3 1/2 days until my next meeting.


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