Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some thoughts about the election

Recently I have been thinking about what kinds of qualities I am looking for in a president. Now I am not advocating for any particular person--just looking at qualities that a president should have. All the candidates are talking about experience and values. As far as I am concerned, experience trumps values and ideology. Now what makes up experience? Holding office for years? Life experience? A combination?
Another important factor to me is temperament. Is the person patient? Is he or she a person who listens to others? Is the candidate thoughtful, and able to see many sides of an issue?
Recently I read Doris Kearns Goodwin's book, A Team of Rivals, which is about Lincoln's administration and his cabinet. I know that this is ancient history, and a rather long book, but the author made a lot of interesting observations about Lincoln. Lincoln was a very thoughtful man, and one who made a point of listening to all the viewpoints of his cabinet members. He also was a master at listening. He was not quick to make decisions, but once he did, as he said, he never looked back. I really wish that we could have Lincoln back this year, but in no way would he been nominated, or elected in today's political scene.
I read an interesting op-ed article in today's New York Times. It is written by David Brooks, a conservative columnist. He writes about candidates and experience. Please take a minute to read it.


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