Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The new puppies

Gus, running and Jo, sitting. And for those who wonder--Alma is alive and well guarding the front door.

Lala again

Lala is a dog that never goes away. She is in a new home in Aurora Illinois, but somehow, she is still in our life.
Monday morning, the phone rang--I checked the number, it was unfamiliar, so I expected a wrong number. Much to my surprise, the woman on the other end told me that she had my black German Shepard. Lala again. Turns out that Lala was in her yard yesterday, so she invited her in, and she proceeded to atack her dog. Typical Lala behavior. Lala was wandering around New Buffalo Michigan on Sunday, and nobody knew her. Of course I thought that she escaped from her new home, and found her way to Michigan.
So how did these people come to call us? When Lala came to us, she pulled so hard on the leash that we put Alma's old prong collar, with her rabies tag still on it. So, a quick call to the vet located us. Soon after, another New Buffalo person called, Lala was in her yard, since she had a 7 foot fence, which even Lala couldn't climb.
We called Sarah, the shelter lady, and let her know what was going on. To finish off the story, Lala's new owner took the dog to Michigan for the weekend. Her brother let the dog out into the yard, and Lala escaped. We were the missing link, thanks to the rabies tag. Both Sara and the new owner headed to Michigan to recover her, and now she is safely back at home.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

New friends

Lala has gone on to a new home--and last night, we adopted Johannes and Gustave, German Shepard puppies. They are littermates and are 8 months old. There were given up by their owner, and now they are ours! Gus is a black and tan and Jo is a sable coat. So far, there are much calmer than Lala, but as they get accustomed to us and their new home, I am sure that they will be more active. As soon as I can, I will post a picture--they are very good looking.
Both of them are a little underweight, and Jo has some kind of pancreatic problem--off to the vet for them.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Dog Update

Lala is still with us, but there is interest in her--so she may be going to a new home soon. I hope that she goes someplace where people will develop her potential--boy do I sound like a teacher here. She is a very good dog, cooperative etc--except with other dogs.
My life is so busy--just as I finished up with the yard sale, I now have the Harvest Festival at the Botanic Garden this weekend. It's only two days, but there is preparation. Volunteering plus a part time job seems to add up to more than a full time job. Maybe that is because I have 2 dogs. So--volunteering plus a part time job plus two dogs adds up to more, more that a full time job.