Monday, November 16, 2009

Even Sadder News

My dog, the beautiful Alma passed away today. She had lost control of her rear legs, so she couldn't stand up. It took two of us to walk her, one on the front, the other holding up her tail. Throughout everything, she was so mentally alert and normal. She spent the day on her pad in front of the window. She couldn't move at all, but she barked at everything that walked by. She let the puppies know who was the dog in charge. They deferred to her. Alma had a wonderful personality--she was very sweet and in her later years, friendly to everybody. I am so sad, I miss her so much. She was such a great dog.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

So sad

Alma, my wonderful 12 3/4 year old dog isn't doing very well. She has been going downhill for some time, but now, she can't walk because she has lost the use of her back legs. Mostly she sits on her bed in front of the window and barks at whatever walks by. Guarding has been her job--her choice. For the past few days, she hassn't been too interested in eating either. She is such a good dog, she has a sweet dispostition and has been a great companion. The worst part of all this is that she is so mentally alert and normal. It's her body that is giving out, not her mind.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Finally, the new kitchen in pictures