Monday, February 20, 2006

Taxes again. Purses too.

Its that time of year. Tax time. I don't mind doing them, since I use Turbo Tax. I usually do 3 returns, mine, my son's and my parent's. This year, I will not be doing my parents since it will be too complicated--I'm sending it to an accountant. But, I'll still have to get it organized, and that will be complex.
I worked on my taxes, since I am also doing my son's fafsa. Aren't I a good mother!
I was in Nordstroms again yesterday. A lot of spring fashion is in. I can't get over how ugly the handbags are. Now I like purses, but I didn't see anything at all that I would want to buy. The bags are too big, too decorated, too gathered, too sparkly, too heavy. What happened to a slick, plain bag? Maybe I am getting too old and stodgy, but I can't see spending $200 and over for a hideous purse. So, my old tried and true bags will have to do.
My most recent purchase is a Issac Mizrahi from Target. It is plain, even though it is partly plastic, it does the job.
Please purse people, change your ways. Design some nice classic bags. PLEASE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A late summer's day here and the cloying Singaporean humidity has gone.Autumn tried to arrive during last week maybe that's why the white butterflies are frenetically depositing a last batch of eggs on the brassica in the vegetable garden. Spray made from boiled lettuce leaves has just been applied and hopefully that will be all that is necessary.
I wonder why educationalists far removed from the reality of classroom teaching think that results in education always have to be measured on the academic progress of the child? Such a narrow vision and one which is certain of 'leaving behind' a valuable chunk of our young people.
What I find interesting is that despite all the millions of dollars spent on educational research the problem- or so called problem- is not improving.
My observation,given a lifelong hands on involvement in the education system of this small nation tucked away in a backwater
of this planet, is that rgardless of the intellectual capacity of a human being we all have our own in built pace at which we learn. Then we need to take into account that we ultimately learn and retain what we need for our own development. We also need a balanced nurturing environment of love and trust for this to take place for the maximum of benefit for us.
Therefore if a child needs 10 more minutes to complete a test, why not? Surely this would remove levels of frustration and assist in a more motivated desire to continue with the learning process.

6:24 PM  

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