Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday again

Monday is here again, and so is my Weight Watchers meeting. I did fine this week, I lost a little weight. That is good since most people gain over a holiday.
I've been busy last week, and when I get that busy, I start to feel overwhelmed. I have to go back to making a list and crossing things off when I finish them.
Two part time jobs don't add up to one full time job in time, but recently, it feels like they do. The semester is winding down at Oakton. We have one of the assessments Thursday, another next Tuesday. These determine whether students pass off on the reading requirement. I am worried about several of them. I am sure that several will have to repeat the class, mostly because of their limited vocabulary--they are not native English speakers. The others, the ones who don't come to class on a regular basis, don't do their assignments, come late or leave early, will fail. I know that I am doing them no favors to pass them on. They probably won't pass the assessements either. These kids don't have much of a student work ethic and this developed long before they walked into my class.
So, now I will get working on this week's lesson plans and paper marking. When I finish, I will get busy on my other job. The maybe I will repot an orchid that a neighbor dropped off today.


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