Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Politics Again

I just read an article in today's Chicago Tribune about incumbent Congressmen and the Colbert Report. I really don't watch the Colbert Report much, but from what I have seen, it seems to be an extension of the Daily Show, and just about as silly. For those of you who don't watch these shows, they appear on the Comedy Network at 10 amd 10:30 Central time. The point of the article was that Congressmen don't want to appear on the show because Colbert makes fools of them by asking questions that they don't want to answer, putting words into their mouths, or just plain embarrassing them. My question is don't any of these people check out the show before they agree to appear? Maybe they hear that the people who watch the show are the demographic that they want to reach, so they think that being on the show will make them more appealing to younger voters. I assume that incumbent congressmen have large staffs who manage their day to day affairs. Perhaps some of these staffers could check out the show, or even tape it for their boss, so he/she could see what they were in for if they appeared. The link to this story follows.,1,4542631.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed
This makes me think of a Daily Show which featured Rod Bolgojevich, the governor of Illinois. Normally, Blago is a very talkative guy, but when he appeared on Jon Stewart's show, he seemed tongue tied and had a deer in the headlights look on his face. He was being interviewed by one of the other comedians on the show. Now these guys ask the most ridiculous questions with the straightest faces around. Blago didn't see it coming. I read later that he thought he was appearing on a legitimate news show and that this was a serious interview.
Maybe this is why politicians are out of touch with the people they serve. They need to be watching more TV, and I don't mean the regular venues of CNN, Fox, CBS, etc.


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