Friday, October 12, 2007

Opera Tonight!

Last night I didn't get to blogging, and there are some very good reasons for it. When I got home from Oakton, there was a message from an old friend asking me if I wanted to go the see La Triaviata with her tonight. She had a ticket, and even though it was last minute, I said YES. I am very excited about this, since at one time, long age, she and I had a subscription to the Lyric and saw all the operas. I am also looking forward to seeing her, since we don't get together often enough.
Another reason for no blog was that the smell of homemade pizza met me when I opened the door. My husband made himself a sausage and pepperoni pizza for dinner--which was quite a contrast to my frozen Lean Cuisine. Kindly, he heated up a slice in the oven for me, and was it ever delicious!
Other than that, I stayed on program yesterday, and I carefully booked the points for the pizza. Today, I had personal training, and am a little sore, since I did some new stuff. I was able to do a very advanced variation of the plank pose--at least for second.
My son called with some good news--he just found out that he was given the cello award from the Tanglewood Music Institute. Along with the honor, a check in on its way!


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