Friday, October 13, 2006

Shopping Again

I went shopping again today. I was having lunch with my friends today, so I fit a short trip to Macy's before I met them. I needed some skirts to wear with my new, fashionable boots. I went to Carson's yesterday because they had a huge sale. It was huge and junky. Nothing that I wanted to buy. So I tried Macy's today because they had a sale too. A much better sale and not junky. I found a few things--a scarf that looks like it was hand knit and some skirts.
I also need clothes because some of my old clothes are getting loose. This includes some that I bought recently. I may be down a size.
Some people around here have a problem with Macy's--or the former Marshall Field's. They are still angry about the name change and do not plan to ever shop there again. Not me. I don't think that Field's was such a great store. They deserved getting sold. I think that there is much nicer merchandise there now and the Old Orchard store looks much better. They put in new and better fitting rooms, still not as nice as some other places, like Forth and Towne or Talbot's, but better than they had before. So Macy's has my money. And I plan to continue shopping there.


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