Monday, December 11, 2006

A big step forward and a step backward.

The pine cone wreath on my front door

I seem to be on a roll. Today I made my 25 pound goal at Weight Watchers. Consequently I ate a lot of cookies and related stuff at a holiday party. Oh well. My program starts again with dinner. I ate only the homemade cookies and skipped the store made ones.
There were some interesting cookies, one of which didn't need much preparation. They were based on a square pretzel, about 1 inch square, with a rollo candy on top of it. Then there was a pecan on top of the rollo. It was baked for a few minutes, so the rollo melted into the pretzel. I estimate, maybe a minute or two in a regular oven. They were very tasty, crunchy, chewy and chocolately. And best of all, no big cleanup!
Speaking of no mess cookies, I was given a recipe for Christmas bark made with a base of saltine crackers. I will include it in the blog sometime soon. I haven't made them yet, but I have been told that they are excellent.
I did make a nice pine cone wreath at the party, which is now gracing my front door. I was looking at wreaths at Target, and I'm glad that I decided not to purchase anything.The one I made is much prettier and full of interesting things like lotus pods, dried flowers, cinnamon sticks and various other natural items. It also smells like cinammon because the pine cones must have been soaked in cinnamon oil or something. Thank goodness it's hanging outside, otherwise the house would smell like Michaels.


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