Monday, February 12, 2007

Some more snow and a little less of me.

It's snowing again, and later I will go out and shovel. Its pretty, soft snow which should be an easy job to clean up.
My meeting is over and the weigh-in was sucessful. I am down 3 pounds. I skipped the scale last week, but today I was more confident. So, I attribute this sucess to accurate tracking of food, even if I was over the top with certain things and more exercise. I guess that the biggest reason was that I really don't want to back slide. I'm getting rid of big pants--3 pairs this week, these were pants that even belts don't help. Some of my jeans are big too, but they can be saved by a tight belt. They don't loook that great, but at least they don't fall down. I am not planning to buy much until I have reached goal and become a lifetime member.
What was interesting about this week in food was that I ate more. I used more of the ectra points than I have ever done before, and still lost. Some times eating more food--a little more-- helps weight loss. I know that that sounds crazy, but cutting back to the minimum allowance puts you into starvation mode, and you won't lose anything. So the conclusion is that sometimes more is better.
Today I am going to the gym and to Target and then I am working on my lesson plan for my class. Tomorrow is the first class of the new semester. Food wise that means back to frozen dinners. I really don't like them, but they are fast to prepare and low calorie. I guess that I am a lazy cook, because I always go for the foods that are easy to prepare. So, I am off to get some things done.


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