Monday, May 14, 2007

Am I Stuck Again?

Here I am, 4 pounds away from my weight loss goal, gaining and losing the same pound. Now, I have to admit , I have not been as focused as I once was, I had problems with the WW site, and I just ate too much on a few days. I am having a problem with wine. I have a glass of wine, then I have another, and then I forget to think first. This little habit has huge ramifications. First, I blow a lot of points on the wine itself (2 points per glass). Then, I don't think as thoroughly as I should, and food just pops into my mouth. I was pretty good at the meal, but afterward, when I was full, I ate old --over a year old--chocolate. Now was it good--not really, but I ate it anyway. So, I should be glad that I am losing and gaining the same pound over and over again. It could be much worse. I went to the gym 3 times last week, which was good and felt good. Maybe that saved me from more scale time humiliation.
Then the bigger question arises--why is the happening 3 pounds away from goal? Why am I sabatoging myself when I am almost there? Is the prospect of reaching goal and going on maintainance scaring me and making me do nutty things?
My leader passed out a card today, and I will end with the saying on the card: "The pain of passing up food is temporary...the rewards of weight loss are forever."


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