Sunday, June 24, 2007

How does my garden grow?

We are having a dry spell in the northern suburbs. All the rain seems to go south and west, so the sprinkler is going full blast today. I really don't like to overuse the sprinkler, but I just put in a lot of plants and I don't want them to fail.
Last week's work was to finish up my borders. On the north end of the house, I've been trying to grow flowers with mediocre results. So this year, I waited and thought about what I could do in that space that would work, and try to use plant material that I had growing elsewhere. I have some difficult cultural problems, shade, hot late afternoon sun and dryness. So I decided to relocate several hostas, which were getting too much sun, and added two hydrangeas. I had an annabelle hydrangea which was doing well, so I decided to add two more as foundation plants. The golden hosta in front and then I added three lamium--which have white leaves to perk up the area. It does look nice. picture to follow.
I finished off my beds in back with wave petunias and some torenias. Most garden centers are sold out of waves now, so I had to pay premium prices for mine, but they are worth every penny of the additional cost. I also got hanging baskets from Home Depot on sale. The last part of my work was to make my container plants which go on my front stoop. I'm not that thrilled with them. but hopefully as they grow, they will grow on me.


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