Monday, May 21, 2007

Back at the Gym

The gym has been calling my name recently, but not very loudly. So, I just ignored it. It's been two weeks since I have been there. Today, after WW, I went with my son. I did cardio on the elliptical and then my usual routine. I think that I will be a little sore tomorrow, mostly because those muscles have been languishing.
I have decided that to mix things up I will eat more core foods. On the WW plan, there are two ways to go, flex--on which you count points and core, which has a list of foods you can eat, and you can eat as much as you want--actually until you feel full. So far today, the only non core food that went into my mouth was artificially sweetened yogurt. I did eat two pieces of fruit slice candy. It was delicious. My husband is fixing some brown rice--which is on core. Hopefully mixing thing up, and going back to the gym will restart the weight loss train.


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