A writer--maybe Shakespeare, once said that there is nothing more beautiful than a day in June. Well, I can argue that many September days rival June, and may even surpass them. Today, for instance, warm, in the low 80's, breezy, but not windy, sunny, but not humid. A good day to be outside. So, after I took my mother to get her hair done, we went to
Panera, and ate lunch outside. It was so nice, that even the yellow jacket wasps left us alone.
My garden is looking rather ratty, most everything
except the asters and
sedum autumn joy are finished blooming. So, now the
clematis paniculata--sweet autumn, has started to bloom, and it is just wonderful. Hundreds of tiny white flowers, with a spicy fragrance cover my arbor and climb up the trellis on the patio. What a treat. The show lasts for about two weeks. Then the flowers are replaced with some very unusual seeds. This plant spreads seed by the wind, so the seeds have
tentacle like wings, and they do fly and start little plants in the spring. In fact, the vines on the trellis came from seedlings that I dug up and transplanted. Sometimes I think that that vine looks better than the original. I highly recommend this plant for places that are narrow, and need coverage. For instance, the trellis is in front of the electrical boxes and connections, and the recycling buckets.
Fall is
a good time to move plants around the garden, and I have done a little of that already. I want to put in either a yellow or red twig dogwood in one of my borders as a foundation plant. I have one, and it does a good job. I need one more to fill in an empty spot. I noticed that some of the garden centers have shrubs on sale now, so I may go out and purchase one soon.