Monday, September 29, 2008

Back to the gym

Last Friday, I saw my personal trainer for the first time in a month. I had been getting a training every three weeks. In between, I am supposed to go to the gym, do cardio and follow a strength building program. My effort was inconsistent. So...I have made a commitment to do some cardio 6 days a week, and strength training twice a week. Now I know that this will help me to get back to losing weight too. I do believe that exercise is the key to solving almost every health problem.
So yesterday, I went to the gym for a yoga class, and in addition, did 25 minutes on the elliptical trainer. Today I did 40 minutes on the air-dyne bike, in my basement "fitness room." Since Friday, I have been sort of sore--reacquainting myself with some muscle groups that had a bit of a vacation.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Little Rock

A new place to visit. My husband and I drove to Little Rock AK last weekend to visit our son. He just started a job--section cello and string quartet--with the Arkansas Symphony. The drive is a little longer in miles that the trip from Chicago to Rochester NY, but since there is far less traffic, the driving trip takes about the same time. It was an easy drive.
We arrived in Little Rock on Friday, and walked from David's apartment to the River Market for lunch. The River Market is a large building--sort of like a warehouse on the Arkansas River, which is filled with stalls selling food. It is a little bit like the Quincy Market in Boston. We had a barbecue lunch, which was very tasty. There is a Middle Eastern Restaurant, Japanese, Mexican, a pie shop, a bread shop, an artisinal chocolate maker, and a sandwich shop. We stopped by the Clinton Library gift shop, which is a few blocks away from the library. Everything is walking distance in downtown Little Rock. There are a lot of interesting restaurants and clubs, as well as an art gallery. There are also bright yellow streetcars, which look like the old ones you see in pictures. They have clanging bells too. On Friday night, we ate at the Flying Fish. At first, my husband was reluctant to go in, because you had to wait in line to order, and then find a seat, and pick up your order--sort of like Panera. At first glance, it looked like people were eating fried fish in baskets. But we decided to stay, and were glad that we did. I had boiled shrimp, my husband ordered crab legs. Everything was good and very reasonably priced. On Saturday night, we ate in an Italian restaurant in North Little Rock, Cafe Capeo. which was excellent and also well priced. On Friday, we stopped by the Capital Hotel, had a drink and listened to a jazz trio. It was happy hour, and again we were pleasantly surprised with the price. Later, we met out son and had another drink at the Peabody Hotel and heard more jazz. The Peabody is a lovely hotel with good service. On Saturday, we attended opening night at the Arkansas Symphony. It was a good program and was well attended. The venue, Robinson Hall reminded me a bit of Gaffney Auditorium at New Trier High School--I think that it was built around the same time. So, our first visit to Little Rock went well. We will be back soon.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some thoughts about the election

Recently I have been thinking about what kinds of qualities I am looking for in a president. Now I am not advocating for any particular person--just looking at qualities that a president should have. All the candidates are talking about experience and values. As far as I am concerned, experience trumps values and ideology. Now what makes up experience? Holding office for years? Life experience? A combination?
Another important factor to me is temperament. Is the person patient? Is he or she a person who listens to others? Is the candidate thoughtful, and able to see many sides of an issue?
Recently I read Doris Kearns Goodwin's book, A Team of Rivals, which is about Lincoln's administration and his cabinet. I know that this is ancient history, and a rather long book, but the author made a lot of interesting observations about Lincoln. Lincoln was a very thoughtful man, and one who made a point of listening to all the viewpoints of his cabinet members. He also was a master at listening. He was not quick to make decisions, but once he did, as he said, he never looked back. I really wish that we could have Lincoln back this year, but in no way would he been nominated, or elected in today's political scene.
I read an interesting op-ed article in today's New York Times. It is written by David Brooks, a conservative columnist. He writes about candidates and experience. Please take a minute to read it.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Roadside this weekend

The Roadside Flower show and sale is finally here. After a spring and summer of picking and drying flowers, the event takes place this weekend.
You should try to come to the garden, not only to enjoy the beautiful gardens, but to see the show.
All the proceeds from the sale benefit projects at the garden.
We will have dried flower arrangements, wreaths, potpourri, notecards, bookmarks, bulk plant materials, flower montages and pressed flowers for sale. All the containers are donated.

Roadside Flower Show and Sale
Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe Il
Friday, Sept 12, 10am-5pm.
Saturday, Sept 13, 10am-5pm
Sunday, Sept 14, 12pm-5pm

See you there!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

More Growed Up than I Realized

What a surprise! My son, who caused me a lot of worry last week, now has a job with benefits. What a life. Two weeks ago he was looking for an apartment in Houston and trying to find work as a free lance musician. Last Sat. he won an audition--he was the most surprised person, with the exception of myself--with the Arkansas Symphony and is now looking for an apartment in Little Rock.
What a difference a day makes. He now is fully employed with medical and dental insurance. He will be able to pay his student loans and his car insurance and cell phone. In other works, he is off the family payroll. So, he is really growed up.
In other areas of my life, I have been volunteering heavily at the Botanic garden on the Roadside Flower Show. This week I made dried flower arrangements--about 6-8 a day. Somehow, this was really tiring. Today, I did nothing but things at home. I didn't even go to yoga. Volunteering shouldn't be like a job. The sale is next week, Friday, Sat and Sun. Then it is over until next spring. Thank goodness.