Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mixing it up a little

On Sunday, I realized that I was really bored with my gym routine. So yesterday, when I met with my trainer, we decided to make a few changes. My big mouth got me some very hard stuff to do. Lunges with weights that I really don't like. Tracy, my trainer, has me do them when I work with her, now I have to do them independently. Legs lifts on the ball and cable work standing on a balance board complete the new stuff. More weights on the old machines to make them a little more challenging.
I wonder if changing an exercise routine has the same results as changing foods. Many people think that changing what they eat jump starts weight loss. I mean people who are on weight loss programs who are stuck often change up what they eat.
So my class met for the 2nd time last night. What a difference from last semester. These students all had purchased their books and had homework completed. I gave out Mardi Gras beads, which they enjoyed recieving. Tomorrow, I may give out a little snack, maybe cookies or something, while we have a discussion. The instructors manual suggests giving out pound cake--but I will have to make it myself. Maybe I will do that. I believe that I can bake something and not consume it all myself. I will give it away tomorrow, so it won't be around the house. Any leftovers will be frozen.
Is this a new me? In the past whenever I baked something, most of it was eaten by me. Not good. Should I test myself?
How does everything always get back to food?


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