Monday, May 28, 2007

"Blue Monday, Blue Flowers"

Happy Memorial Day, I hope that everybody had a wonderful weekend. Ours was nice weather, not too hot or too cold. We had some rain on Saturday, so I decided to work in the garden on Sunday. It really needed some attention, and it got quite a bit. Here are some pictures of my blue flowers, which are blooming up a beautiful display for a few days.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Birthday to David

Yesterday was my son David's 23rd birthday. Since I was at the Botanic Garden until noon, I couldn't wish him a happy birthday when he got up. When I got home, his birthday slipped my mind, and he was a little hurt. So we went out to lunch, ate outside, with a beautiful view of Evanston's Central Street. Then we walked to Great Harvest and got some bread and brownies. We went to gym to do some cardio so I could eat a decent sized restaurant dinner. We went to Prairie Grass, which has good food and a nice atmosphere. Everyone had some wine and a nice entree and dessert. A good time was had by all. So it was a good birthday after all.
Today was much cooler than yesterday. I was at the Botanic again. Same program, different kids. Next week is the last week for Science Sleuths. I can't say that I will miss it very much.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Back at the Gym

The gym has been calling my name recently, but not very loudly. So, I just ignored it. It's been two weeks since I have been there. Today, after WW, I went with my son. I did cardio on the elliptical and then my usual routine. I think that I will be a little sore tomorrow, mostly because those muscles have been languishing.
I have decided that to mix things up I will eat more core foods. On the WW plan, there are two ways to go, flex--on which you count points and core, which has a list of foods you can eat, and you can eat as much as you want--actually until you feel full. So far today, the only non core food that went into my mouth was artificially sweetened yogurt. I did eat two pieces of fruit slice candy. It was delicious. My husband is fixing some brown rice--which is on core. Hopefully mixing thing up, and going back to the gym will restart the weight loss train.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Am I Stuck Again?

Here I am, 4 pounds away from my weight loss goal, gaining and losing the same pound. Now, I have to admit , I have not been as focused as I once was, I had problems with the WW site, and I just ate too much on a few days. I am having a problem with wine. I have a glass of wine, then I have another, and then I forget to think first. This little habit has huge ramifications. First, I blow a lot of points on the wine itself (2 points per glass). Then, I don't think as thoroughly as I should, and food just pops into my mouth. I was pretty good at the meal, but afterward, when I was full, I ate old --over a year old--chocolate. Now was it good--not really, but I ate it anyway. So, I should be glad that I am losing and gaining the same pound over and over again. It could be much worse. I went to the gym 3 times last week, which was good and felt good. Maybe that saved me from more scale time humiliation.
Then the bigger question arises--why is the happening 3 pounds away from goal? Why am I sabatoging myself when I am almost there? Is the prospect of reaching goal and going on maintainance scaring me and making me do nutty things?
My leader passed out a card today, and I will end with the saying on the card: "The pain of passing up food is temporary...the rewards of weight loss are forever."

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy mother's day to all! Here is my mother, Julie and me at out family brunch, prepared and served by my son David and my brother Pete. They did a great job.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Happy Spring!

My son has reminded me that I haven't blogged for a while. So, I will let you know what has been going on recently.
I've been very busy with work, my class is in its last week, and I've been volunteering at the Chicago Botanic Garden and I've been working on my other job too.
I finished up my school visits on Thursday, and we had our year end celebration for the Mentor Program yesterday. It was very nice, with plenty of food and a good turnout. Now I have to follow up on people who haven't turned in their surveys. We are starting to plan for next year, but no one knows what the program will be like then, and even if we will have jobs.
The Botanic Garden is just great. I've been volunteering in the CTL, which provides educational programs and field trips for kids. I'm also working at the Plant Sale, on Friday, May 18. If you are in the area and need some plants, stop by.
Tonight is the next to last class at Oakton. I have assigned homework, but Thursday, I will just wind things up and go over the recommendations for the next level. This was a much better group than last semester.
I lost the few ounces that I gained last week. Now that I am a little less busy, I have managed to get to the gym twice this week and used the air dyne bike at home yesterday. I am eager to lose the last 4 pounds so I can reach goal soon. I need to drink more water, more milk and move more. I've been getting a little lazy and complacent about following the program lately. I just read a good article on the WW site, which made a lot of sense to me. So, I know the goal will be reached, the only question is when.