Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday Update

Things aren't going so well for my Mom. Because of this, they aren't going so well for me. Yesterday, I didn't add any foods to my journal after breakfast, but I did stay on program. Today wasn't as good. I ate way too many butter cookies--the kind in a box, not the rich bakery kind, but not on the program, then I had a sandwich, a chocolate chip cookie, two slices of cheese and two filipino plantain things that were like egg rolls, but probably many more calories. My mother's caregiver brought them for me, so I had to eat them, but probably I should have stopped at one. They were crispy, sweet and good, not not great. Then I washed it all down with a diet pepsi. I am so full now, I almost feel sick. I don't think that I will eat and dinner before I go to Oakton. Maybe I will have a soup. That's all. it's almost 4 o'clock and I have to eat at 5. I know that I won't be hungry by then. I do have to have something, so soup may just do the trick. I will have a snack later when I get home. Tomorrow, I will start over again, just like the first day of the program. This is what taking one day at a time is about.
5 more days until Monday, when it all starts again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I tried to email you, but seem to not have your up to date email address. I was worried because you had not been blogging since Tuesday, and I found the sad news about your mother online. I had only met her a few times, but found her fun and cheery. I remember she made some sort of stuffed vegetable dish for supper in 1977 when I visited in Connecticut and we went to Caprilands.
Please take care of yourself.
Love, Barb

6:10 PM  

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