Monday, February 26, 2007

STUCK on a Plateau?

Snow and more snow today. Yesterday was a snowy day too. Sloppy snow on top of slush and water. When will this end?
I slogged through the snow to my WW meeting this morning, and I am stuck at the same weight for the third week in a row. I have heard about these plateaus, and how some people stay on them for quite a while. My group leader explained that since I have lost quite a bit of weight, my body is adjusting to it. Basically, not to worry. Again, I haven't been as vigilant about writing down everything that goes into my mouth, and in fact, I haven't written anything down since Friday. I did follow the program, but logging the food keeps me honest. I don't want to stay at this weight, since I am still overweight according to the Body mass index. I guess I have to keep one thing in mind, my goal is to get to my goal weight, and then get rid of the fat around my middle. I do have a plan that has worked for me--portion control and exercise. Why shouldn't I continue with a plan that has been successful for 6 months because I have run into a roadblock for the past 3 weeks?
Later this afternoon I am going to pay a condolence call to a friend whose mother passed away. These affairs are loaded with food: deli trays, cookies, candies, coffee cakes, you get the picture. I am eating my lunch now so I won't be hungry when I get there. My plan, pay my condolences and don't put anything in my mouth except for a cup of tea.


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