At a standstill now, but maybe not for long.

Elmwood Ave on Christmas eve.
The past few days have been very difficult for me. My weigh-in wasn't great--I gained about a half a pound. To counteract this, I have been going to the gym and doing cardio and strength training. However, the candy in the house has been calling my name. Yesterday, I ate far too much of it. Needless to say, I enjoyed every bite. The night before, we went out to dinner for my Mother's birthday. Afterwords, we had champagne. I had too much, and woke up not feeling too great. I also was due at the gym at 8am for personal training. I did get there on time, and even did 10 minutes of cardio warmup. I feel that I am going to fall back into my old habits. There were restaurant leftovers and some cake from my Mother's birthday in the frig. I ate all of it. Today, I wrote most of it down, but I left out the candy and cake. These are my old habits. I don't want to slide back into my old ways. I have come too far to go back. I have lost more weight so far than I have in all my diets going back 20 years. This is not counting the pounds that I lost and regained over and over again. Weightwatcher group leaders say that when this happens, and it does, just start over. So today, I have a good breakfast and did my cardio. On the positive side, I am posting the promised neighborhood luminarias from Christmas eve.