For someone who has only a part time job, I find myself busier and busier. Yesterday I subbed for another teacher at the Des
Plaines campus. The classes were the same subject as mine, and the students were very similar. I though perhaps that students who go to school during the day may be more focused than those who go at night. At least for my class, there is no difference. However, my class is more diverse culturally and in age. The semestser is drawing to a close, yesterday, I got the date for the exit exam. Next semester I will be teaching 3 classes, all different. That means writing 3
syllabi, 3 new texts and 3 different lesson plans. That will keep me busy.
The babies have arrived. Monday was the day, and now there are two new people in the world.
Leslie Taylor had a boy, Logan, and Mary Keener had a girl. Emily. Congratulations to both of you.
I went to the gym today, and it felt good. Tomorrow I will go for a yoga class, but no cardio. Then I take the lovely Alma for a beauty treatment. I met a new groomer, who will furminate her, which will cut down on the shedding. She hasn't been to a groomer for quite a while. She
still is quite lovely, and by this time tomorrow, she will be even lovelier. Maybe I will post a picture.